I’m Learning Allah’s Names -I (10 Kitap)


The books of the series, “I’m Learning Allah’s Names” each take one of the ninety-nine names of Allah and explain them to children in a way

that they will love. Each book takes a single name, and through animal characters and the adventures that those characters go on and the things

they experience, the meaning of that name becomes illuminated to the child. Not only that, the child then forever has a very clear story to

which they can connect the meaning. At the end of each book, there is a paragraph of explanation about the stories and questions to make sure that the children understand the content and the meaning of each name. With this series, which was written by Nur Kutlu and illustrated

by Süleyman Özkonuk, kids will learn about the beautiful names of Allah and feel the love of Allah in their hearts.
Çizer: Süleyman Özkonuk
Yayın Tarihi: 16.05.2014
ISBN: 9786050813524
Cilt Tipi: Karton Kapak
Kağıt Cinsi: 1. Hm. Kağıt
Boyut: 20 x 26 cm


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